Our program is based in Raja Ampat archipelago. We started to care of damaged reef in Mansuar Island and only after a few months, we are proud to show our 600 SQM restored reef which is the first step of more programs around Mansuar and all over Indonesia.

KKBI is an Indonesian government registered non profit organisation. Our Founder, Fabrice Ortin has started his professional life in 1987 as an aquarium animals collector in Caribbean. He has been working in the aquarium trade as curator for public aquariums, importer, breeder, veterinary school and since 2002, he is also working on the aquarium trade business. He is a member of Saiia and well known speaker on the french aquarium trade. Always passionate by his work and the reef, he has conduct many programs about post larvae collecting and coral farming. It is because he noticed the evolution of the reef condition that he founded Coral Conservation Indonesia.

Following the Indonesian regulation KKBI has a committee of Indonesian citizens among which you can find accountant, secretaries and the manager of Mansuar island reef site and supported by local volunteers. No one get paid for our programs and our target is to reduce the running cost to give more to the reef.

We are all crazy reef enthusiast and sea life lovers. We do hope to communicate our passion to all of you and we need all of you.


  • Founder: Fabrice Frederic Ortin
  •  Governing Board: Cyra Tiffany Carolus
  • Supervisory Board: Rully Ardilles Mayor
  • Executive Board: Trian Febriansyah
  • Treasury: Ngurah Gutardo
  • Secretary: Bimo Prakoso